What is First Time Right (FTR)?

First Time Right (FTR), or Right First Time (RFT), is a key concept in Total Quality Management (TQM) that ensures products or services are produced correctly from the beginning, eliminating the need for rework or corrections. FTR measures a process's efficiency and accuracy by calculating the percentage of output that meets quality standards on the first attempt. A high FTR score indicates fewer defects, reduced waste, and a more streamlined process.

FTR is vital in industries such as manufacturing, facilities management, and healthcare. By focusing on preventive measures rather than corrective actions, it helps reduce operational costs, improve overall quality, and promote customer satisfaction. By doing it right the first time, businesses can boost efficiency and avoid the costs associated with errors and rework.

The Role of First Time Right in Manufacturing

FTR is particularly crucial in manufacturing as it emphasizes reducing defects, rework, and wasted resources. This is achieved by ensuring that every step of the production process meets predefined quality standards. To maintain these standards, companies implement thorough employee training, real-time monitoring, and quality control measures at each production stage.

Modern technologies such as automation, IoT, and data analytics significantly enhance FTR by providing real-time insights and detecting potential defects early on. Achieving high FTR scores in manufacturing results in key benefits like improved customer satisfaction, lower operational costs, and increased predictability in production outcomes.

Who Uses Right First Time (FTR)?

Right First Time (FTR) principles are employed across various industries, though they are predominantly adopted by sectors like manufacturing, engineering, and maintenance teams. These industries rely heavily on FTR principles to ensure efficient operations, minimize defects, and avoid costly rework.

In manufacturing, FTR is crucial for maintaining high-quality output while reducing waste and production time. Manufacturers use it to streamline their production processes, prevent product deficiencies, and improve overall customer satisfaction. Engineers, particularly those in product development, apply FTR to minimize design errors, thus saving time and resources by avoiding rework. Maintenance teams in sectors such as facilities management and industrial maintenance also use FTR to ensure tasks are completed accurately the first time, reducing operational downtime.

Several quality management tools are often integrated with FTR, including:

  • Six Sigma
  • Kaizen
  • Lean Manufacturing
  • Root Cause Analysis
  • 5 Whys Analysis

These methodologies help enhance process quality and prevent defects before they occur, further ensuring FTR compliance across various operational stages.

What is a First Time Right (FTR) Score?

A First Time Right (FTR) score is a key performance indicator (KPI) used to measure process efficiency in manufacturing and production. It reflects the percentage of products or tasks that meet quality standards on the first attempt, without the need for rework or corrections. This metric helps organizations assess the accuracy and effectiveness of their processes.

How to Calculate the FTR Score?

To calculate the FTR score, you can use the following formula:

FTR = (Number of flawless products / Total number of products) x 100

For example, if a factory produces 1,000 units, and 950 of those units meet quality standards on the first pass without any rework, the FTR score would be:

FTR = (950 / 1,000) x 100 = 95%

This means that 95% of the products were manufactured correctly the first time, indicating high process efficiency.

FTR in Multi-step Processes

In more complex processes that consist of multiple stages, the FTR score can be calculated for each stage, and then the overall score can be determined by averaging the FTR scores across all steps. For instance, if different stages in a process have FTR scores of 98%, 74%, and 91%, the overall FTR score would be around 87.6%.

Importance of a High FTR Score

A high FTR score indicates fewer defects, reduced waste, and improved operational efficiency. It also leads to lower production costs, better product quality, and higher customer satisfaction. This metric is widely used in manufacturing, engineering, and service delivery.

Organizations can continuously monitor and improve FTR, optimize their processes, reduce rework, and increase productivity.

How Do you Improve Your First Time Right Score?

To improve your First Time Right (FTR) score, you can follow a structured approach that identifies process inefficiencies and makes data-driven improvements. Here are the key steps:

1. Define the Problem

Begin by identifying where errors are happening in the process. For example, assess the production stages that yield defects or substandard output. This will help you prioritize areas for improvement.

2. Measure Performance

Measure the current FTR score by calculating the percentage of products that meet quality standards on the first attempt. Additionally, quantify the cost of defects, such as wasted materials or rework hours, to understand the financial impact of inefficiencies.

3. Analyze Root Causes

Investigate why errors are occurring. This could be due to equipment malfunctions, inadequate training, or inconsistent materials. Analyzing the root causes enables you to tackle the real problems instead of treating symptoms.

4. Implement Improvements

Improve your processes by eliminating the root causes. This could involve updating Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), offering enhanced staff training, or implementing automated systems to reduce human error. The DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control) methodology is often used to structure these improvements.

5. Monitor and Control

Continuously monitor the processes after making improvements. This ensures that changes are sustainable and effective. Implement real-time tracking and dashboards to give you clear visibility into how your production is performing and where additional improvements can be made.

By following this approach, you'll improve your FTR score, reduce costs, improve product quality, and boost customer satisfaction. Regular reviews and training will ensure that improvements are sustained over the long term.

What are the Benefits of Tracking Right First Time (FTR)?

Tracking the Right First Time (FTR) score offers numerous advantages across industries, particularly in manufacturing and production settings. Here are the key benefits:

  • Cost Reduction: Minimizing rework and material waste directly lowers production costs. This is one of the primary benefits across industries.
  • Improved Quality: Ensuring processes are done correctly the first time enhances product or service quality, reducing the need for corrections and customer complaints.
  • Increased Customer Satisfaction: Delivering high-quality products without defects on the first attempt leads to happier customers and fewer returns.
  • Enhanced Productivity: Fewer errors and rework improve operational efficiency, speeding up production cycles and reducing delays.

These are the most critical points universally applied to organizations aiming to improve their FTR performance and outcomes. Other factors, like employee morale or inventory management, can be optional based on specific business needs.


In conclusion, First Time Right (FTR) is a key principle in ensuring that processes are completed correctly the first time, eliminating rework and enhancing efficiency. By focusing on reducing defects and improving quality, FTR helps organizations lower costs, boost productivity, and increase customer satisfaction. Tracking FTR allows businesses to continuously improve their operations, making it a vital metric for industries aiming for operational excellence and consistent performance.