How to Create and Keep a Highly Accurate Asset Register?

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How to Create and Keep a Highly Accurate Asset Register?
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What’s an asset register? To put it simply, it’s a list of all the assets your business owns. This could be anything from machinery and tools to office furniture and computers.

You might be thinking, “Do I really need one of those? I know what my business owns!” Sure, you might have a pretty good handle on things now, but what about in a few months or years? When you’re expanding and growing, it’s all too easy to lose track of things.

Plus, your asset register will be an invaluable resource if you ever need to make an insurance claim. Having a detailed list of your assets and their value can help you make sure that you get a fair pay out.

If you don’t already have an asset register, now is the time to create one. Keep reading to learn more about why you need to create, keep, and accurately update your asset register.

Asset Register and Its Importance

Your asset register is a critical part of your organization, no matter what size. An asset register is simply a catalog of all a company's physical, fixed, and digital assets. This can include anything from office furniture and equipment to vehicles and machinery.  

Asset registers are important for a number of reasons. First, they provide a complete and accurate picture of all the assets owned by a company. This is important for financial reporting and tax purposes. Second, they allow companies to track and manage their assets more effectively.  

Finally, asset registers can be used to create and maintain standard operating procedures for Asset Management Software. This can be helpful in ensuring that assets are properly maintained and used in accordance with company policy.  

Creating an Asset Register: Creating an asset register is the first step to knowing and managing your assets. It’s also the best way to document the assets you’re purchasing, have purchased, and have disposed of over time.

At the bare minimum, your asset register should contain the assets’ value, purchase date, and any maintenance reports. Additional information may include warranties, owner’s manuals, availability, and condition of the asset. This information can help you make decisions like what repair services and spare parts you may need. It can also help you identify your company’s assets should they ever be stolen or destroyed.

It’s important to note that creating the register is just the beginning. Once created, you’ll need to keep it up to date to ensure accuracy. Make sure you record any new assets purchased and any sales or disposals that have taken place.

Best Practices for Creating an Asset Register

If you are responsible for managing physical assets, chances are you need to maintain an asset register. An asset register is simply a list of all the assets your organization owns, along with important information about each asset.

Creating and maintaining an asset register can seem like a daunting task, but it doesn't have to be. Here are a few best practices to keep in mind when creating your asset register:

Keep it simple
Start with a basic spreadsheet that includes columns for the asset description, location, purchase date, and cost. You can always add more columns later as needed.
Be as specific as possible
When listing assets, be as specific as possible in the asset description column. For example, instead of simply listing “computer”, specify the make and model of the computer.
Record all physical assets
All physical assets should be included in the asset register, such as equipment, furniture, vehicles, and even buildings. Don't forget to include intangible assets such as software licenses, patents, trademarks, and copyrights.
Track changes
Make sure to keep track of any additions, deletions, or transfers of assets. This will ensure the accuracy of your records.
Utilize asset tags
If possible, affix asset tags to each asset that corresponds with the asset register. This can make tracking assets much easier.
Update the asset register regularly
Make sure to review your asset register at least once per year to ensure accuracy and completeness.
Avoid Excel sheets and use software
Maintaining asset information in an excel sheet might save you costs in the short run, but it can lead to potential human errors which might be disastrous for an organization.

Creating and maintaining an asset register is an important part of asset management, and following these best practices can help to make the process easier and more efficient.

Keeping Your Asset Register Up to Date

An accurate asset register is essential for a number of reasons. First, it’s necessary for financial reporting as it documents your assets and their associated values. This helps you to identify any losses or gains that have taken place. It also prevents you from overpaying or underpaying taxes.  

Second, an asset register can help you track the assets you have, their condition, and any assets that may have gone missing or have been stolen or destroyed. Additionally, it can help you keep track of any assets that need maintenance or replacement and help you to create extensive operational plans for asset management.

Finally, an accurate asset register can help you make decisions on asset disposition. For example, if an asset is no longer profitable, you can conduct an appraisal to determine a fair market value and accurately document the cost associated with replacement.

Cryotos CMMS is a Cloud-Based Asset Tracking and management system that helps businesses keep track of their assets and inventory. As an asset register, Cryotos CMMS can be used to manage and track all of your company's assets in one place. You can use it to track asset location, quantity, and maintenance records. It can also help you keep track of Asset Ownership and Depreciation. By inputting all your company's assets into Cryotos CMMS, you can rest assured knowing that all your information will be well-organized and easily accessible.


For any business, keeping an accurate asset register is essential. Not only does it help with financial reporting, but it also allows you to store information on the age and condition of assets, potential repair and maintenance needs, and any assets that may have gone missing or been destroyed. Additionally, an accurate asset register can help you make decisions on asset disposition, such as when to repair or replace an asset.

Ultimately, investing the time and resources necessary to create and maintain an asset register will prove to be worthwhile in the long run. An asset register provides a comprehensive overview of your assets that you can reference at any time.

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